Student Honors and Awards


Recipient Honor or award
Connie Silva Discovery Fellow
Carlota Pereda Serras Discovery Fellow
Sydney Williams Hillblom/BARI Graduate Student Fellowship 2024-2025
Luis Jaimes Santiago UC President's Pre-Professoriate Fellowship
Sham Rampersaud NIH F31 Fellowship
Kingsley Chow NSF GRFP 2024
Sydney Williams UCSF Grad Slam 3rd Place and "People's Choice" Prize
Marisol Contreras Institute for Human Genetics (IHG) Fellowship 2024
Elizabeth Hardy Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation Ph.D. Scholarship 2024
Amanda Lipford Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation Ph.D. Scholarship 2024
Thu Pham ARCS Fellowship 2024
Christine Wan Matilda Edlund Fellowship 2024
Thu Pham School of Pharmacy Dean's Apple Teaching Award
Kingsley Chow School of Pharmacy Dean's Apple Teaching Award
Mark Ware School of Pharmacy Dean's Apple Teaching Award
Sophia Miliotis School of Pharmacy Dean's Apple Teaching Award


Recipient Honor or award
Zizheng Li Discovery Fellow
Sydney Williams Discovery Fellow
Maggie Colton T32 Translational Brain Research Training Grant
Nilsa La Cunza ARCS Fellowship 2023
Thaybeth Malave-Mendez NSF GRFP 2023
Zachary Hoisington NIAAA R13 Grant for 5th Annual International Congress on Alcoholism and Stress
Zachary Hoisington Poster Award at Alcohol and the Nervous System Gordon Research Conference
Silver Alkhafaji Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) FDA Summer Fellowship 2023
Brenda Melano Genentech-UCSF School of Pharmacy Diversity Fellowship
Jaysón Davidson Chancellor Award for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership
Sydney Williams Chancellor Award for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership


Recipient Honor or award
Emily Connelly Selected for Discovery Fellows’ Michael Page, PhD Research Symposium
Maggie Colton Discovery Fellow
Brenda Melano Discovery Fellow
Katie Gjoni ARCS Fellowship 2022
Jackie Ernest ARCS Fellowship 2022
Brandon Chew NSF GRFP 2022
Megan Koleske Poster 2.0 Award at the 2022 American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT) meeting
Chase Webb School of Pharmacy MAK Seed Award for Innovation for the BAYS Program
Emily Connelly School of Pharmacy MAK Seed Award for Innovation
Xujia Zhou FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Policy and Research Fellowship 2022
Orry Elor CIRM Fellowship
Jaysón Davidson UCSF-Stanford CERSI Diversity Scholar
Silver Al Khafaji UCSF-Stanford CERSI Diversity Scholar
Jackie Ernest School of Pharmacy Dean's Apple Teaching Award
Silver Al Khafaji School of Pharmacy Dean's Apple Teaching Award
Christopher Chen School of Pharmacy Dean's Apple Teaching Award
Brenda Melano School of Pharmacy Dean's Apple Teaching Award
Brandon Chew School of Pharmacy Dean's Apple Teaching Award
Meghan Whalen School of Pharmacy Dean's Apple Teaching Award
Lauren Cech NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Yaqiao Li NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Thaybeth Malavé-Méndez Institute for Human Genetics Fellowship (IHG)
Sydney Williams UC-HBCU Fellowship
Stella Belonwu

Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars

Tia Tummino Krevans Fellowship
Annamarie Bustion ARCS Fellowship
Luis Jaimes Santiago NIGMS IMSD
Lauren Cech Discovery Fellow
Yaqiao Li Discovery Fellow
Chase Webb Chancellor Award for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership

Achievements 2020-2010

Recipient Honor or award


Kathleen Keough Gladstone Distinguished Achievement in Scientific Leadership
Annamarie Bustion 2020 PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship in Informatics
Bianca Vora UCSF ARCS Fellowship
Meghan Whalen


Emily Connelly Discovery Fellow
Kendra Radtke Discovery Fellow
Meghan Whalen School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Adam Melgoza

School of Pharmacy Teaching Assistant of the Year

Imani Warren NIGMS IMSD


Chase Webb Discovery Fellow
Capria Rinaldi Discovery Fellow
Bianca Vora ORISE Fellowship
Marjorie Imperial Fletcher Jones
Liz Levy UCSF ARCS Fellowship
Serena Tamura Autism Science Foundation
Meghan Whalen School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Capria Rinaldi School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Tia Tummino

School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award

Mikayla Richter School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award


Ki Kim School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Annamarie Bustion School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Kendra Radtke AFPE Phi Lambda Sigma
Serena Tamura Discovery Fellow
Marcus Chin Discovery Fellow
Christine Bowman AAPS Best Abstract Awards
Jeffrey Gha-Hyun Kim School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Adam Melgoza School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Stella Belonwu School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Beau Norgeot UCSF ARCS Fellowship
Chase Webb NIGMS IMSD Fellowship
Janice Goh A Star
Kendra Radtke Matilda Edlund
Liz Levy AFPE
Marcus Chin School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Capria Rinaldi NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Adam Melgoza NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Chase Webb NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Stella Belonwu NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Arielle Shkedi Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award for Innovation


Kathleen Keough Discovery Fellow
Emmalyn Chen Discovery Fellow
Meghan Whalen School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Bianca Vora School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Christine Bowman PhRMA Foundation Fellowship
Meghan Whalen AFPE Phi Lambda Sigma
Sam Ivry QBI Bold and Basic RFA Fellowship
Megan Lo UCSF-Genentech Fellowship
Tia Tummino UCSF ARCS Fellowship
Evelyn Pei Rong Lee UCSF-Stanford CERSI Scholar
Dina Buitrago NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Jasleen Sodhi AFPE
Jasleen Sodhi Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award for Innovation
Jeffrey Gha-Hyun Kim Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award for Innovation


Jasper Williams Discovery Fellow
Christine Bowman Discovery Fellow
Xiaomin Liang AFPE
Jessica Enogieru HHMI Gilliam Fellowship
Stella Belonwu NIGMS IMSD Fellowship
Jasper Williams UCSF-Genentech Fellowship
Rosa Chan AAPS Foundation Fellowship
Christine Bowman Pharmacy TA Excellence


Peter Westcott Damon Runyon Cancer Foundation Fellowship
Deanna Brackman Discovery Fellow
Jessie Carr UCSF ARCS Fellowship
Danny Park Krevans
Adrian Stecula AFPE
Christine Bowman NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Hsin-Fang Wu GEMS Graduate Student Fellowship


Jessie Carr Discovery Fellow
Danny Park Discovery Fellow
Rosa Chan AFPE
Sophia Majeed NIH NRSA
Chelsea Hosey PhRMA Foundation Fellowship
Cade Fox UCSF ARCS Fellowship
Aaron Dolor NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Sam Ivry Pharmacy TA Excellence
Jessica Enogieru NIGMS IMSD Fellowship


Michael Martin AFPE
Megan Li UCSF ARCS Fellowship
Sirj Goswami Discovery Fellow
Peter Westcott Discovery Fellow
Ken Hallenbeck NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Peter Westcott NIH NRSA
Kyle Halliwill NIH NRSA
Adrian Stecula PhRMA Foundation Fellowship
Hane Ryu NSF Graduate Research Fellowship


Jessie Carr Chancellors Fellowship
Rosa Chan NIGMS IMSD Fellowship
Marc Yago Pharmacy TA Excellence
Aishwarya Jayagopal NSF Graduate Research Fellowship


James Blau AFPE
Michael Martin UCSF ARCS Fellowship
Nina Gonzaludo Pharmacy TA Excellence
Peter Westcott Pharmacy TA Excellence
Dan Capurso NSF Graduate Research Fellowship


Peter Westcott NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Lillian Seu CHRP California HIV Aids Research Grant